Common to All B.E./B.Tech.
First Semester
(Regulation 2010)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions.
PART A â" (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)
1. Perform the following converters.(a) 65.5510 to binary
(b) 39.B616 to octal.
2. Differentiate analog and digital computer.
3. What is meant by program debugging?
4. Differentiate Internet and Intranet.
5. What is an algorithm?
6. What is pseudo code? What is the purpose of heat?
7. What is symbolic constant?
8. Differentiate between while and do while statement.
9. What is a pointer variable and what are the uses of pointer variable?
10. List the similarities and differences between structure and union.
PART B â" (5 ´ 16 = 80 marks)
11. (a) (i) Briefly discuss about the classification of computers with theirfeatures and limitations. (10)
(ii) Explain the positional number system with base it. (6)
(b) (i) Describe the characteristics of computers in detail. (8)
(ii) Explain the functions of various components of a typical computer.
12. (a) (i) Describe about the applications of Internet. (8)
(ii) Write a detailed note on application and system software. (8)
(b) (i) Discuss about the types of Internet connection in detail. (10)
(ii) Explain the term WWW and URL in detail. (6)
13. (a) (i) Describe the steps involved in computer programming. (6)
(ii) What are the different symbols used in flow chart? Develop a flow
chart to find the sum of first 50 odd numbers. (10)
(b) (i) What are the advantages and disadvantages of pseudo code? Write
pseudo code to sort the given N integer numbers in descending
order. (10)
(ii) Describe the characteristic of the algorithms. (6)
14. (a) (i) Explain various types of operators in C language with example. (10)
(ii) Explain switch case statement with suitable example. (6)
(b) (i) What is a constant and what are the ways to declare constants in C
language? Describe different types of constants in detail. (10)
(ii) Give th e syntax of âforâ statement and explain with suitable
example. (6)
15. (a) (i) What is a two-dimensional array and how to declare and initialize a
two-dimensional array in C? (6)
(ii) Give an example for nested structure? Explain how the structure
members are accessed in a nested structure with suitable example.
(b) (i) With suitable example explain how pointer variable is used to
access members of a structure variable and array element. (10)
(ii) What is meant by preprocessing? Explain any two preprocessor
directives in C language. (6)
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