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EC 2351 MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION Anna University Important Questions 2 marks and 16 marks questions | EC2351 important questions from all 5 units for 3rd semester EEE dpt ...

Written By Anonymous on Tuesday, November 6, 2012 | 11/06/2012

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EC 2351 MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION Anna University Important Questions 2 marks and 16 marks questions | EC2351 important questions from all 5 units for 3rd semester EEE dpt ...  

Posted by R.Anirudhan 

**we will update the important questions and topics soon ..here we have listed the repeated questions asked in AU question Papers**                          


  PART- A (2 MARKS) 
1. Mention three main functional elements in most of the instrument systems.
2. Define static error of an instrument system. 
3. Define the dynamic response of a system. 
4. Mention the static characteristics of measuring instruments. 
5. Mention the basic requirements of measurement. 
6. What are the 2 methods for measurement? 
7. List the types of instruments. 
8. Define calibration. 
9. Define standard. 
10. List the type of standards. 
11. Define error. 
12. Give the applications of measurement systems. 
13. Explain the calibration procedure. 
14. List the types of systematic errors. 
15. W hat is arithmetic mean? 

PART â€" B (16 MARKS) 
1. Describe the functional elements of an instrument with its block diagram. 
2. Explain in detail about the different types of errors. 
3. Explain in detail about static characteristics of an instrument system. 
4. Explain in detail about dynamic characteristics.
5. Define standard and explain different types of standard. 
6. Write in detail about statistical analysis. 

   Part-A (2 MARKS) 
1. What is mean by creeping in energy meter? 
2. Define nominal ratio in instrument transformer. 
3. List two instruments to measure frequency. 
4. Write the advantages of dig ital voltmeter. 
5. Which torque is absent in energy meter? Why? 
6. Why PMMC instruments are not used for A.C measurements? 
7. State the principal of digital voltmeter. 
                                                                      PART-B (16 MARKS) 
1. Sketch the basic circuit and explain the constructional details of 1 phase induction type   
energy meter. 
2. Describe the constructional details of 1 phase electrodynamometer type of power factor meter. 
3. Explain the function of a 3 phase energy meter and wattmeter. 
4. Describe how do you determine the B-H curve to measure the iron loss? 
5. With a block diagram explain the working of digital frequency meter. 

                            PART-A (2 MARKS) 
1. What is potentiometer? Write its application. 
2. What is standardisation of potentiometer? 
3. Name different D.C potentiometer. 
4. What are basic requirements of A.C potentiometer? 
5. When Kelvin bridge is used and why? 
6. List application of wheatstone bridge. 
7. List any 4 advantages of bridge circuit. 
8. Which are the detectors used in a.c bridges? 
                          PART-B (16 MARKS) 
1. Describe basic principle operation of a D.C potentiometer. 
2. Give the application of A.C potentiometer. 
3. Explain in detail about laboratory type D.C potentiometer. 
4. Explain any one br idge for measuring inductance.
5. Explain any one bridge for measuring capacitance. 
6. How do measure multiple earth and earth looping?

                                                  PART-A (2 MARKS) 
1. Write two advantages of LED in digital display. 
2. In which ways line printers are advantages than dot matrix printers. 
3. What is meant deflection sensitivity of a CRT? 
4. What are the different methods of recording data? 
5. List the features of ink jet printers. 
6. Write about LCD. 
  PART-B (16 MARKS) 
1. Explain the block diagram of oscilloscope and describe the observation of waveform in 
2. Describe the basic components of CRT. 
3. Explain the frequency modulation recording technique of magnetic tape recorder. 
4. Describe the important stages that make up a tape recorder. 
5. Explain theory of working of LED and LCD.        
1. Name different methods of A/D conversion. 
2. What is the purpose of multiplexing? 
3. What is the need of sample and hold circuit? 
4. Distinguish between active and passive transducer. 
5. What are direct digital transducers? 
6. Explain about piezo electric transducer. 
7. Def ine the factors to be considered for selecting a transducer. 
8. What is meant by quantisation error?

    PART-B (16 MARKS) 
1. Draw and explain the block diagram of data acquisition system. 
2. Describe one method of D/A conversion. 
3. Describe the constructional features of LVDT. 
4. Explain the function of piezo electric transducer. 
5. Explain different types of optical encoders briefly. 


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