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» MG2351 Principle of Management (POM) -Part B Expected Questions | MG2351 POM Part B Important Questions for all 5 Units (UpDaTeD)...
MG2351 Principle of Management (POM) -Part B Expected Questions | MG2351 POM Part B Important Questions for all 5 Units (UpDaTeD)...
MG2351 Principle of Management (POM) -Part B Expected Questions | MG2351 POM Part B Important Questions for all 5 Units (UpDaTeD)...
- Briefly discuss about strategic and operational planning?
- Describe different objectives of planning?
- Give in Brief the Significances of Objectives?
- Explain the process of MBO in detail? Â Â
- What are the types of organizational structure and explain any four in detail?
- Explain the various categories of strategy based classification of department?
- Explain the various special motivational techniques in detail?
- Brief the decision making at different conditions?
- Explain span of control and give the factors determining an effective span in detail?
- What are the various factors affecting staffing? Brief
- Â Explain the various leadership styles in detail?
- What is Communication? How the communications flow in organizations flows in organization and also give the barriers in communication in detail?
- Differentiate Formal & Informal Organization?
- Give the comparison between line & staff authority?
- Explain the various categories of strategy based classification of department?
- Â Explain the Theory that relates valence, expectancy & instrumentality with motivation?
- Â Brief the effective Leadership Qualities?
- Â Explain the various special motivational techniques in detail?
- Â What is the nature of policy & give its various characteristics?
- Brief the decision making at different conditions?
- Â Give a brief note on major kinds of strategies?
- Â Discuss the characteristics, sources and functions of organizational culture?
- What are the various motivational theories and explain any three in detail?
-  Explain in detail the functions of management  Â
- Â Describe in detail the contributions of F.W.Taylor .
- Describe the hierarchical nature of organizational objectives and the guidelines for setting objectives Â
- Â Â What are the steps in controlling process? State the essentials of control
- Â Â What is budgetary control? Explain its significance
- Â Â Compare and contrast between feed forward and feedback systems in controlling
- Â Â Bring out the importance of productivity measures in any organization. Also in detail enumerate the different productivity enhancement tools used by the organisation in the present competitive scenario
- Explain in detail the importance of planning in the present Indian business environment. Â Also highlight the different types of plans.
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